دار النشر AnKa Publisher
سنة النشر 2022

The Relationship of Pepsinogen-II Ins/Del Gene Polymorphism in The Genetic Susceptibility to Peptic Ulcer Caused by H. Pylori Infection

زينب عبدالنبي طليفح النصراوي
دار النشر AnKa Publisher
سنة النشر 2022

The Relationship Of IL-1RN 86 VNTR Gene Polymorphism in The Genetic Susceptibility to Peptic Ulcer Caused by H. Pylori Infection

زينب عبدالنبي طليفح النصراوي
دار النشر International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical Research
سنة النشر 2017

Phytochemical Screening of Methanolic Leaves Extract of Malva sylvestris

اشواق فالح خزعل العجيلي
دار النشر Journal of Global Pharma Technology
سنة النشر 2018

Evaluation of Antibacterial Potential of the Crude Phenolic, Alkaloid and Terpenoid Extracts of Ricinus Communis L. against Gram-negative Pathogenic Bacteria

اشواق فالح خزعل العجيلي
دار النشر Baghdad Science Journal
سنة النشر 2022

Evaluation of Some Heavy Metals, Their Fate and Transportation in Water, Sediment, and Some Biota within AL-Musayyib River, Babylon Governorate, Iraq

اشواق فالح خزعل العجيلي