اعلام جامعة بابل - كلية علوم البنات

College of Science for Women, University of Babylon partnership with ISTIDAMA Green Smart Cities, Directorate of Water Resources in Babylon and Directorate of Environment of Babylon

Subject: World Environment Day 2024: accelerating land restoration, drought resilience & desertification progress

World Environment Day is the largest international environment day. Led by the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), and held annually since 1973, it has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental communication. It is celebrated by millions of people around the world.

College of Science for Women, University of Babylon will host World Environment Day 2024 the theme will focus on on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. As a nation facing degradation, desertification and drought.
World Environment Day aims to inspire positive change and foster a sense of responsibility towards our natural surroundings.


اعلام جامعة بابل - كلية علوم البنات
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